Filmed over 3 days in December 1987, when the low light provided spectacular reheat shots. On the 10th we see XS903 ‘BA’ scrambled on QRA . With only days to go before the demise of 5 sqn we see full power rotation take offs by XS416 ‘AZ’. On the 14th there are pairs take-offs by 5 and 11 Sqn’s on the fire dump side. Further signs of change on 17th with the first of the o/wing tank aircraft for BAE, XS904. We also see the old ‘BA’ XR725 on its last day in service adorned with a Santa on the fin. As a bonus we have footage courtesy of pilot Dick Coleman of an MPC at Valley, which includes live missile firing Also gun camera footage of Ian Black missile firing.
Running time 1 hour 30 mins. Images from the DVD.
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